Options Page

The options dialog.

In 1.0.3, the options dialog has been re-organized into sub pages. The top level options dialog gives access to window, button, input and service settings, leaving the reset, import and export actions on the top page. Selecting a top level category will open the sub menu of options for the category.


  1. Encoding
  2. Window Options
  3. Hyperlink Options
  4. Button Options
  5. Input Options
  6. Service Options
  7. Bell Options
  8. Import/Export


This option is the first in the list because of its importance. This will allow the user to select an encoding to use for text processing and drawing for the connection.

Window Options

The Window Options Page.


  • Automatic - The window will change depending on the physical orientation of the phone.
  • Landscape - Regardless of phone orientation.
  • Portrait - Regardless of phone orientatoin.

Word Wrap?

  • Tells the window to wrap whole words to the next line. Enabled by default.

Break Limit

  • The amount of characters that will cause a break event. Automatic will use the default phone and phone orientation to fill the screen.

Disable ANSI Color?

If you believe there is a problem, or just want to, the ansi color processing can be disabled. Checking this checkbox will disable color processing, unchecking it will resume normal operation.

Keep Screen On?

If this option is enabled, the screen will be kept on. If disabled, it will turn off the screen after a period of idle time specified by your system settings.

Font Size

Vertical size of a character (in pixels).

Line Spacing

Amount of extra space between each line, used to fine tune some font sets.

Use Fullscreen Window

This option hides or reveals the notification bar, may be toggled with the Toggle Full Screen Special Command.

Text Buffer Size

Number of lines to save for scrolling in the window.


Allows selection of a true type font for displaying the data with. May use any system font or a true type font placed in the /BlowTorch directory on the sdcard.

Hyperlink Options

The Window Options Page.

Enable Hyperlinks?

With this setting enabled, text that begins with http:// or www. will be highlighted using the chosen decoration mode. Clicking on these links will launch a web browser to view the link.

Hyperlink Mode

There are a few options for how detected links will be shown.

  • None - Hyperlinks will not be decorated, but will still be clickable.
  • Underline - Hyperlinks will be underlined in whatever ANSI color is currently in effect.
  • Underline with specified color - Hyperlinks will be underlined and colored with the specified color.
  • Underline and Colorize, only if no ANSI color is specified - Hyperlinks will be underlined and colored with the specified color only if no ANSI color code is currently supplied. For example, if the default ANSI grey is in effect, links will be colorized with the specified color, if any other ANSI color is in effect, the link will take on that color.
  • Background highlight with specified color - Hyperlinks will be highlighted by drawing a background color behind the text. The background color will be the specified Hyperlink Color, the text color will be calculated to be the most contrasting color to the specified color.

Hyperlink Color

Clicking on the color swatch will launch the color picker. The color chosen will be used to decorate links as specified in the Hyperlink Mode.


The Button Options Page.

Automatically Launch Editor?

With this setting enabled, new buttons will have the property editor launched by default. Unchecking the box will prevent this from happening.

Haptic Feedback on Create/Modify

This setting controls weather or not haptic feedback will happen in the following button states, created, entered move state, launching property editor.

  • Auto: This setting performs haptic feedback if the system setting is on.
  • Always: This setting ignores the system setting and performs haptic feedback always.
  • Never: Never ever perform haptic feedback.

Haptic Feedback on Press

This setting will dictate if haptic feedback happens when buttons are pressed.

  • Auto: This setting performs haptic feedback if the system setting is on.
  • Always: This setting ignores the system setting and performs haptic feedback always.
  • Never: Never ever perform haptic feedback.

Haptic Feedback on Flip

This setting will dictate if and how haptic feedback happens when buttons are flipped.

  • Auto: This setting performs haptic feedback if the system setting is on.
  • Always: This setting ignores the system setting and performs haptic feedback always.
  • Never: Never ever perform haptic feedback.


The Input Options Page.

Use Full Screen Editor

Use this to switch between the full extracted editor (and auto-suggest/correct functions) and viewing the server output while entering text.

Use Suggestions

Some keyboards don't play so well with mixing suggestions and the "no-extracted-ui" editor. This option will attempt to force the editor into using suggestions when the full screen editor isn't used.

Keep Last Entered?

With this enabled, text in the input bar will remain, and be selected after the enter key is pressed, this will allow rapid re-entering of the same command.

Enter Compatibility Mode?

At least on the Samsung Mesmerize, if the full-screen editor is not used, backspace wont work. Enable this and it will trigger a different input mechanism to be used, however this other method may suffer from a different bug. This also fixes the backspace button on preinstalled versions of Swype.


The Service Options Page.

Local Echo?

Locally echos back commands to the text window. If disabled, no text will be returned.

Process Dot Commands

Allows toggling of Special Command processing by the service.

Throttle Service In Background?

This slows down the service when the main window is closed. Triggers may fire up to 1.5 seconds late when throttled. This is an attempt to save as much battery power as possible.

Process Semicolons?

When enabled, the service will replace the semicolon character with a newline, allowing multiple commands to be given from a single line. In v1.0.8, semicolons may be escaped with "~", so entering ~; into the input bar will send the ";" character to the server.

Keep Wifi Radio Active?

Make this app attempt to keep the Wifi radio on if it's in use. It is policy that android shut off the wifi radio when the device isn't being used, which is bad news for a persistent connection.

Cull Extraneous Colors?

  • Color data comes such as "[RED]roses [RED] are [RED] red[RESET]" will be stripped of the extra red color data: "[RED] roses are red[RESET]" This can save overhead on colorized ascii art and make scrolling that data much smoother. It is optional to allow mud developers to view the raw, unmodified output from the mud.

Debug Telnet Options?

  • This option, when enabled, will print a debug message about incoming/outgoing telnet negotiations.


The Bell Options Page The Visual Bell Graphic


Will the phone vibrate when bell is received?

Generate Notification

If enabled, a notification will be spawned alerting of the received bell.

Display Bell

If enabled, will display a small gui in the upper right corner of the screen when a bell is received.


Reset Settings to Defaults

If you messed up your settings and just want to start over, hit this option. All aliases, triggers and buttons will be removed and selections for options in this dialog will be reset to default.

Import Settings from File

This will load a list of files ending with ".xml" from the /BlowTorch directory on the SD card and use them for the currently open connection.

Export Settings to File

This will export the current settings, including aliases, trigger, buttons and program settings to an XML file of the specified name in the /BlowTorch directory on the SD card. The .xml extension is not added by default.